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Q&A: Looking for H or I Color 1.25 Carat Ideal Cut Round Diamond for $5000-$6500

By Mike Fried,

Hi Ira, I love the site. Very helpful – you’ve already saved me money by showing I can still get a great diamond by relaxing some of my initial standards. I feel I’ve taken your advice on what to look for, but I was thinking maybe you could give me your thoughts on a few that I’ve found:





Are any of these appear better or worse than the others? The diamond will be going in a white gold setting. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for writing, and thanks for the kind words about the site!

I took a look at your selections, and here’s what I think:

All four of these are very very similar. In fact, if you put them all on a table, you’d most likely have a very very hard time telling them apart. That being said, I’d reject the 1.27 H SI1 because it’s $1000 more than the cheaper ones.

I’m also rejecting the 1.22 I VS1, since there’s no need whatsoever to pay for the premium price for the VS1, since the SI1s you selected are eye clean.

Between the two remaining, it’s really a toss-up. THe 1.22 has medium blue fluorescence, which on an H color is a good thing. This stone will look like a very high H color, or even possibly a G color. But the 1.25 I SI1 has a slightly better cut.

Did you see these below? They also will look almost identical, yet they’ll save you a few hundred dollars:



Let me know what you think!


I just wanted to follow up with you to make sure you received my response. If so, I’d love to hear what you thought of my suggestions!

Yes I did get your message and I appreciate your quick response and suggestions. The SI2 stone in particular looked like it should be eye-clean and definitely had a nice price. Over the weekend though I decided to slow down the search and may take some more time before I actually purchase, but the two you recommended from my selections as well as the two new diamonds you identified will definitely be up for consideration if they’re still available.

Thanks again for your response and all the great info on your site, and I will let you know if I do make a move on one of them soon.

My pleasure! Please be in touch again when you’re ready to make the purchase. It always pays to take another look. Their invenotry changes all the time.

Thanks again for your replies to my search earlier — I’d like to get your opinion on one more diamond. I found a little more money in my budget than I was using for my initial search of 5000-6000 and ended up buying a 1.34 G SI2 for about 6500.


(I’m pretty sure it’s still viewable)

I haven’t yet received it to see it in person, but I’m concerned about some dimensions that I didn’t account for before. It has an excellent cut grade, 60.5% depth and 57% table, but now I’m seeing that the crown height and angle are smaller than what appears to be ideal (13.5% and 32.5 degrees). I’m wanting a top of the line cut, so could this be a detriment or am I making too big a deal of it? Of course I’ll wait and see it in person before making any big decisions, but thought I’d see if you have any thoughts on this.

You picked a winner! That’s a very beautiful stone!

Did you get the stone yet? If so, I’d love to hear what you think!

I did get the stone and it’s really nice and bright and no problem with the SI2. Though since I had some time and funds available I brought in another stone to see how one with 35 and 40.6 degree crown and pavilion angles compared to the 32.5 and 41.4, and I decided I like the new one even more. Plus it’s more in-line with my original size and price range (1.22 for 5500 vs 1.34 for 6500)

Just in case you’re interested:

This was the original which I’ll be returning https://www.jamesallen.com/diamonds/G-SI2-Ideal-Cut-Round-Diamond-1260083.asp?a_aid=dmnd1357

This is the new one which I’m keeping https://www.jamesallen.com/diamonds/H-SI2-Ideal-Cut-Round-Diamond-1278348.asp?a_aid=dmnd1357 (I’m surprised I didn’t catch this one in my very first list… I’m wondering if it was just recently added, or maybe I wasn’t sold on SI2’s yet)

Anyway, that’s how things have turned out. I’ll be adding the diamond to a ring from a local store soon and hopefully the rest is happily ever after!

Thanks one more time for your emails and your website!

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