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Q&A: How to Get the Same Quality as Hearts on Fire (HOF) for a Fraction of the Cost

By Mike Fried,

I was recently at a jewelry store that carried the hearts on fire diamond. What are your thoughts on this diamond, and for $2,500 could i get a better deal on a diamond that still had the same sparkle? the largest i can afford of the hearts on fire is a half carat or maybe a 5/8. it would be nice to get a 3/4 carat without sacrificing on the quality of the cut. thanks for your time

Thanks for writing. You can most definitely do better than that. HOF is a brand, and as such carries a huge premium just for the name. That’s not to mention the huge premium you pay for anything at a bricks & Mortar jewelry store. If you’d like to read more background material about this, take a look at the article I wrote “Truth about James Allen & Blue Nile.”


Take a look at these alternatives:





Each of those stones is clean to the naked eye, and each of those stones is an ideal cut diamond that will sparkle like crazy. As you can see, you can get a much larger diamond for your money. Let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for replying so quickly! Which of these diamonds would be your top choice and why?

I actually like the E I1. It’s significantly larger than the other 3 and doesn’t much more.  You also get a significantly better color.  The I1 is really clear and will be clean to the naked eye.

I noticed on the image of the I1 an inclusion close to the side . Is that the only one? And is that close enough to the side that it could be covered by a prong anyway?

You talking about the whiteish cluster on the left?  That’s the I1.  It’s not close enough to the side to be covered, but because of its location and color, it won’t be noticeable to the naked eye.

ok. thank you very much for your time. i appreciate your help!

My pleasure!  Let me know what you go with in the end.

One more question.. are there any diamonds that are the same quality but are somewhere between 5/8 and 3/4? i would like to maybe leave some room for a setting with the 2,500.

Sure.  I’ll take a look for you.  Can you wait a few hours?  My hands are kind of tied at the moment.

Not a problem. thanks


When you get a chance, see what you think about this diamond.


Sorry it took so long! That stone is nice that you picked, but i like this one better. Cheaper and bigger and still eye clean and white:


And the sparkle and fire on this one will still be good? i guess that comes with the ideal cut right? well i think i might go with this one. i’m gonna talk it over with my parents again, but i think this one is a winner. Thanks so much for all your help. This is the most money i have spent on something so small so i wanted to make sure it is good.

Yeah, this stone will be a little fireball. You definitely won’t be disappointed.

what are the spots of yellow in the middle of the diamond? is that the light reflection or something on the diamond itself

Just colors made by refracting light.  It’s not the diamond’s color you’re seeing.

Well i am now the proud owner of a .71 carat diamond. Thank you so much for your willingness to help!!! Best wishes to you over the holidays!

May God bless you and give you a Merry Christmas!

Congrats!  You’re going to get the ring yourself?

Ya I’m getting the setting designed myself.

Hey.  How does the diamond look?  Are you happy with it?

oh my yes!!! it is gorgeous and a jeweler estimated it was worth about
2,500 or so. anyway i’m still looking for a setting, but your help with
the diamond helped SO MUCH!!

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What we love about them:
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